Letras y Acordes Web


Letra y Acordes de la canción LOVERS TOWN - Billy Bragg

Tonalidad Base: G 
Círculo Armónico: G  Em  C  Am  D  Bm

Date: 25 Jan 1998 23:24:37 Z
From: "Boulton, Nic" 
Subject: TAB:/b/bragg_billy/*

>From the first Peel session(21/2/84), available on the Strange Fruit CD

It sounds like there are two guitar tracks on this, one playing the bass
part and a second one doing the fills up around the ninth fret. I've
tried to tab it out so that you can play both parts at the same time
(that is, you don't have to be at the fourth and ninth position at the
same time).

Frinstance for the fill around "only knew what they taught me", guitar 2
actually plays :

only knew what they taught me

but you can get away with playing:

only knew what they taught me

....and still be playing the bass part/chord at the same time  :)

Everything's played with a barred E shape. It's in Ab.

 E  A  D  G  B  e
 4  6  6  5  4  4   Ab
11 13 13 12 11 11   Eb
 9 11 11 10  9  9   Db
 8 10 10  8  8  8   Cm
 6  8  8  7  6  6   Bb
 x  8 10 10  9  8   Fm

The intro & Versos bass part pretty much just follows the progression
 Ab  Eb  Db  Eb....

..sometimes just following the bass notes, with a bit of percussion :

..sometimes playing a walking bass part :

..sometimes leaving an open e before each change :

Suggest using something like this and messing around with it :

For the fills, mostly you can do them around the top few strings of the
barre chords

G  Em  C  Am  D  Bm:
Ab  Eb  Db   Eb   :|| x4

Ab                     Eb      Db               Eb D 13 13 13    |
    all the lies they told us      in the classroom

Ab                      Eb   Db         Eb
     didn't fit in the outside world

Ab                              Eb Db                    Eb G             |
   they were right & I was wrong     I just had to tag along

Ab                           Eb  Db                     Eb D 13        |
only knew what they taught me       remember when they caught me

  not disobeying, just trying to get out of the way

Ab                              Eb    Db G        12    12   |
   it came to a head one night         two dances two fights

Ab                    Eb  Db    Eb
   all my mates just ran away

Ab                    Eb     Db                             Eb D 13   |
   & as I walked home  with blood and the tears on my best shirt

    Ab                             Eb  Db       Eb
and someone said "will they come after you?"

    I began to wonder        what did I do wrong here

     I began to wonder        do I belong here ?

G  Em  C  Am  D  Bm:  [listen to the CD for the strumming]
G  Em  C  Am  D  Bm

Eb                  Db         Cm            Bb
    you think that love only exists in your eyes
           but it exists   in girls'       smiles    x2

[last time]
G  Em  C  Am  D  Bm:

Eb          Db       Cm           Fm    Db Db Db Db Db [stop]
G  Em  C  Am  D  Bm
    but it exists in girls' smi  iiii   iles

in lovers' town

G  Em  C  Am  D  Bm
Ab                Eb    Db                           Eb
I was lonely then         the whole world had it in for me
how cool I must have been    all metal comb and misery
if ever you go back      there's lessons still to be learned
those same boys are waiting outside the dancehall for when you return

G  Em  C  Am  D  Bm

[then play this riff right through until the end]
G  Em  C  Am  D  Bm

     when the carpet's paid for     you can have a party...

Ab              Cm               Db                    Eb
     and your friends  can  all come round
 but they were not my friends,  my friends were in the future
just as well I had the sense to hide                   for this was
   lovers' town,            no other   town      was quite like lovers
   lovers' town,            no other   town      was quite like lovers

lovers town, lovers town whoa, whoa, etc., lovers to    own,

[outro solo, guitar2]
G  Em  C  Am  D  Bm:

                                             [gtr2 turns into
                                              a saxophone]
G  Em  C  Am  D  Bm

carry on with the Ab  Cm  Db   Eb  riff, then end on the Db

/ is slide up
\ is slide down
x is strum, but mute the strings at the neck
b is bend up
r is release a bend

h is a hammer on

