Letra y Acordes de la canción SONG FOR THE DUMPED - Ben Folds Five
Tonalidad Base: C Círculo Armónico: C Am F Dm G Em From: Mark Hillen Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 10:34:49 +0000 Subject: b/ben_folds_five/* (Folds) From the album "Whatever And Ever Amen", track four. Tabbed by Neil Hillen, * When I tabbbed it out I finished it, forgot to save it repeatedly and then for a big finale, made the computer crash. I also noticed the second time that there are parallels between the second Verso bit and Jimi Hendrix' (or should I say Noel Redding's) Little Miss Strange intro, but no one else will, so I'll shut up. I love this, pentatonics, arpeggios...... not a E7#9 to be seen. "I cried my heart out... It evaporated" Mark Hillen * Web Page: *