Letra y Acordes de la canción I LOVE MY CAR - Belle And Sebastian
Album: Push Barman to Open Old Wounds Transcribed by Daniel Paul Tuning: Standard (based on Bb Major scale) INTRO: Guitar II: Chords, hit bass note then strum / /// / /// / /// / /// / /// / /// / /// / /// Guitar I & II Simultaneously 2x then add this: PUENTE: Guitar II: //// //// //// //// //// //// //// //// //// / Verso: F C Eb Bb Db F C/G //// //// //// //// //// //// //// CORO: Eb Bb F C Bb // // // // // // // // // CHRONOLOGY: INTRO: 3x PUENTE: 2x Verso I: F C Eb Bb I love my car, I admit today I've gone too far Db F C/G to enamor myself of my little motor car F C Eb Bb I Love My Dog, I Love my Pussy cat I Love the rat Db F C/G That lives under the floor and makes his bed from novelettes CORO: Eb Bb I Wish I could Say the same for F C You the day will come soon when I look in your Eyes but Bb I won't see you… (smiling) Verso II: F C Eb Bb I've got a head like a soaking sponge I've got a tongue like a Db F C/G little slug I won't be bugged by trivia… F C Eb Bb I love my car, I love my Brian my denis and my Al Db F C/G I could even find it in my heart to love Mike Love INTRO: 3x PUENTE: 2x end on Gm