Letra y Acordes de la canción LOST CAUSE - Beck
Los acordes de la canción Lost Cause interpretada por Beck fué lanzada el Martes 01 de Enero de 2002. Originalmente está compuesta en la tonalidad de C MAYOR (Puede cambiarlo a cualquier clave que desee, usando la opción Transportar). Sin embargo, la tonalidad en nuestra web está sujeta a la redacción realizada por el usuario que la compartió. (Es decir, puede ser diferente al tono original). El tiempo promedio es de 119 BPM. Además, tiene una duración de 03:47 minutos. Estos acordes son simples y fáciles de tocar en la guitarra, el piano o el ukulele.
Tonalidad Base: C Círculo Armónico: C Am F Dm G Em Intro 4x: F C G/B F C G/B F C G/B Your sorry eyes they cut through bone F C G/B Am E7 They make it hard to leave you alone F C G/B F C G/B Leave you here wearing your wounds F C G/B Am E7 Waving your guns at somebody new F G Baby you're lost F G Baby you're lost F G C Baby you're a lost cause F C G/B F C G/B There's too many people you used to know F C G/B Am E7 They see you coming they see you go F C G/B F C G/B They know your secrets and you know theirs F C G/B Am E7 This town is crazy but nobody cares F G Baby you're lost F G Baby you're lost F G C A7 Baby you're a lost cause F G I'm tired of fighting F G I'm tired of fighting F G C Fighting for a lost cause A7 F C There's a place where you are going A7 F C You ain't never been before A7 F C G/B There's no one laughing at your back now F C No one standing at your door F C Is that what you thought love was for? F G Baby you're lost F G Baby you're lost F G C A7 Baby you're a lost cause F G I'm tired of fighting F G I'm tired of fighting F G C Fighting for a lost cause