Letra y Acordes de la canción THEYRE NOT HORSES THEYRE UNICORNS - Bayside
Tonalidad Base: Dm Círculo Armónico: F Dm A# Gm C Am this is a rough draft to get other people going on it cuz its the best song on the so i i know its not perfect but it sounds alright when you play along with it. Pre CORO (very rough idea) Post CORO (leads into intro/Verso) PUENTE (i dont know this part very well.) Breakdown (mostly base) thats it. repeat these sections for what ever you need and thats the song. its not i know but it should be a good rough draft to get some GOOD tabbers to figure the 2nd guitar the right stuff for guitar 1 but yea. it sounds fine if you just play this too. szember