Letras y Acordes Web


Letra y Acordes de la canción DONT PRAY ON ME - Bad Religion

Tonalidad Base: G 
Círculo Armónico: G  Em  C  Am  D  Bm

From: * (Ira Houston Bryant Iv)

The words to this song were in the liner notes, except for the
third Verso.

Please email me any corrections you find.

Don't Pray On Me
Recipe For Hate
words and music by Mr. Brett
transcribed by Ira H. Bryant IV

Intro:  (Top is Rhythm Guitar, Tab is Lead Guitar)

    G5   C5      D5   C5        C5          D5        G5
e:                                                                           |
B:                                                                           |
G:                                                                           |
D:                                                                           |
A:            2  3h5         2  3h5   3   2                                  |
E:  3   3  5           3  5                  5  3  5  3                      |

  G5      C5          D5       C5
A grizzly scene on my electron beam
       C5    D5          D5
Told a story about human rights
   G5           C5         D5           C5
So all of Kings horses and all of Kings men
      C5           D5       D5
Had a riot for two days and nights
          G5     C5             D5             C5
Well, the city exploded but the gates wouldn't open
       C5      D5           D5
So the company asked him to quit
    G5   C5     D5    C5
Now everybody's equal
C5         D5      G5
just don't measure it

    G5          C5     D5   C5   C5                 D5               G5
e:                               15B(16)15  12  15  17b(19)17 b(19) p15      |
B:          12  13  15  13  12                                               |
G:  12  14                                                                   |
D:                                                                           |
A:                                                                           |
E:                                                                           |

     G5     C5        D5     C5
Well Hanson did it to Hester
    C5         D5        D5
And Mark David did it to John
    G5         C5        D5      C5
and maybe Jack did it to Marilyn
       C5        D5        D5
But he did it to South Vietnam
    G5  C5     D5    C5
For beauty and glory
    C5     D5       D5
For money, love and country
    G5   C5     D5    C5
Now everybody's doing it
C5       D5      G5
Don't do that to me

       G5        C5    D5        C5 C5 D5     G5
e:                                                                           |
B:                                                                           |
G:                                                                           |
D:                                  0h2  2  2  0                              |
A:     3h5  3h5  3     0h2  0h2  0                3h5p3                      |
E:  3               3                                                        |

  G5       C5         D5       C5
A bitter debate and a feminine fate
       C5          D5           D5
Fly in tandem like two precious ?blades?
  G5          C5             D5          C5
A farmer gets warmer its the latter that matters
C5            D5          D5
Except on the nation's airwaves
    G5            C5      D5          C5
And custodians of public opinion stay back
         C5          D5         D5
at the debate and discuss civil rights
    G5    C5      D5   C5
Lay hands off her body
    C5       D5      G5
Its not your fucking right

    G5           C5         D5   C5                   C5  D5        G5
e:                               12b(13)  (13)  (13)  10                     |
B:  12b(13)12    10      10  12                           12h13p12           |
G:                   12                                                      |
D:                                                                           |
A:                                                                           |
E:                                                                           |

     G5           C5           D5           C5
Well I don't know what stopped Jesus Christ
             C5           D5         D5
From turning every hungry stone into bread
    G5        C5         D5      C5
And I don't remember how Moses reacted
         C5             D5            D5
When the innocent first born sons lay dead
     G5                C5         D5          C5
Well I guess God was a lot more demonstrative back
            C5       D5         D5
When He flamboyantly parted the sea
    G5   C5     D5  C5
Now everybody's praying
C5    D5      G5
Don't prey on me

     G5   C5     D5  C5
Said everybody's praying
C5    D5      G5
Don't prey on me

G5  C5  D5  C5  C5  D5  G5


|| * | Member, Triangle Fraternity, OK Chap. ||
|| Let us go and be killed where we are told to go.   Is life worth so many ||
|| questions?         Athos, from "The Three Musketeers" by Alexandre Dumas ||