Letras y Acordes Web


Letra y Acordes de la canción CHUN LIS SPINNING BIRD KICK - Arctic Monkeys

This song has to guitars. guitar one does the main riff during the whole song and guitar 
does some fills etc

For the intro it's just drums, guitar feedbacks and wierd bendings

  CORO or whatever you want to call it

 After the first CORO guitar 1 does main riff again while guitar 2 does this,the 
is a bit wierd but it's easy to find out and if you can't,just by strumming chord A it will 
  Guitar 2 (fill in 1)

then do this while guitar one keeps on with the main riff
   Guitar 2(fill in 2)

  Here play the CORO part again
  After that there's a PUENTE in which the main rif slightly appears with a wierd 
effect and one guitar does slides
  Then there's this with the main riff too
  Guitar 2 ( fill in 3)

  Guitar 2(fill in 4)

  main riff x2
  main riff guitar 2(fill in 1)
  main riff guitar 2(fill in 2)
  PUENTE(with reverbs...)
  main riff x2 guitar 2(fill in 3)
  main riff x2 guitar 2(fill in 4)
  (here there's a litlle drum break)
  main riff(until the end of the song)  guitar 2(mixing all the fills)

| /  slide up
| \  slide down
| h  hammer on
| p  pull off
| ~  vibrato
| +  harmonic
| x  Mute note