Letra y Acordes de la canción LEATHERY WHIP - Aldous Harding
Los acordes de la canción Leathery Whip interpretada por Aldous Harding fué lanzada el Viernes 25 de Marzo de 2022. Originalmente está compuesta en la tonalidad de G MAYOR (Puede cambiarlo a cualquier clave que desee, usando la opción Transportar). Sin embargo, la tonalidad en nuestra web está sujeta a la redacción realizada por el usuario que la compartió. (Es decir, puede ser diferente al tono original). El tiempo promedio es de 118 BPM. Además, tiene una duración de 04:00 minutos. Estos acordes son simples y fáciles de tocar en la guitarra, el piano o el ukulele.
Tonalidad Base: G Círculo Armónico: G Em C Am D Bm [Verse 1] G Em C Am D Bm E A Some people say D B Give them the books and they will come running E A But the books all change D A B Freedom go lightly I feel me tightening up A E B I'm a little bit older but I remain unchanged A E B And the folks who want me don’t have the things I'm chasing B No way [Chorus] G Em C Am D Bm E D Bm E Here come life with his leathery whip D A E Here come life with his leathery leathery D Bm E Here come life with his leathery whip D A E Here come life with his leathery leathery [Verse 2] G Em C Am D Bm E A D B I'll be all day getting the velvet back to you Bambi E A Oh you feel the same do you? B D B Baby go lightly I feel me tightening up A E B I’m a little bit older but I remain unchanged A E B And the folks who want me don't have the things I need B No way [Chorus] G Em C Am D Bm E D Bm E Here come life with his leathery whip D A E Here come life with his leathery leathery D Bm E Here come life with his leathery whip D A E Here come life with his leathery leathery [Refrain] G Em C Am D Bm A E B I'm a little bit older but I remain unchanged A E B And the folks who want me don’t have the things I'm chasing B No way [Chorus] G Em C Am D Bm Gmaj7 Bm Here come life with his leathery whip F#m G Here come life with his leathery leathery Bm Here come life with his leathery whip F#m G Here come life with his leathery leathery Bm Here come life with his leathery whip F#m G Here come life with his leathery leathery Bm Here come life with his leathery whip F#m G Here come life with his leathery leathery Bm Here come life with his leathery whip F#m G Here come life with his leathery leathery Bm Here come life with his leathery whip F#m G Here come life with his leathery leathery Bm Here come life with his leathery whip F#m G Here come life with his leathery leathery Bm Here come life with his leathery leathery F#m G Bm D G Here come life with his leathery leathery