Letra y Acordes de la canción A NINE DAYS WONDER - Akeboshi
Los acordes de la canción A Nine Days Wonder interpretada por Akeboshi fué lanzada el Miércoles 22 de Junio de 2005. Originalmente está compuesta en la tonalidad de G# MAYOR (Puede cambiarlo a cualquier clave que desee, usando la opción Transportar). Sin embargo, la tonalidad en nuestra web está sujeta a la redacción realizada por el usuario que la compartió. (Es decir, puede ser diferente al tono original). El tiempo promedio es de 78 BPM. Además, tiene una duración de 05:11 minutos. Estos acordes son simples y fáciles de tocar en la guitarra, el piano o el ukulele.
Tonalidad Base: G# Círculo Armónico: G# Fm C# A#m D# Cm G D/F# Em A nine days' wonder looking back F C As the sun goes down G Em As time goes by a sketch of life F C On the wall worn out G D/F# Em One day she said in the usual tone F C That I don't shine anymore G Em So I laughed and said "Can you bring it back?" D B7 She stands alone watching the leaves fall Em D C So many places, so many ways C D G But there's no way home, nowhere I belong Em D C B7 C So many faces fade away D G And then life goes on Em D C So many places, so many ways C D G But there's no way home, nowhere I belong G D/F# Em Off the rails dream away F C The amber lights flicker out G D/F# Em An old soldier lives in the dark F C Says the light only causes pain G D Em Now I don't listen to him this time F C I packes my bag and I walk to the bus stop G Em Stars start falling down like a yellow rain, like fire works D B7 I stand alone watching the stars fall Em D C So many places, so many ways C D G But there's no way home, nowhere I belong Em D C B7 C So many faces fade away D G And then life goes on Em D C So many places, so many ways C D G But there's no way home, nowhere I belong Em D C B7 C So many faces fade away D G And then life goes on Em D Still living in a world we know C Still living in a world we know C D G Still living in a world we know Em D Still living in a world we know C B7 C Hold on there D G And then life goes on Em D Still living in a world we know C Still living in a world we know C D G Still living in a world we know Em D Still living in a world we know C B7 C Hold on there D G And then life goes on