Letra y Acordes de la canción CHANDELIER - Aitana
Los acordes de la canción Chandelier interpretada por Aitana fué lanzada el Lunes 05 de Febrero de 2018. Originalmente está compuesta en la tonalidad de A# MAYOR (Puede cambiarlo a cualquier clave que desee, usando la opción Transportar). Sin embargo, la tonalidad en nuestra web está sujeta a la redacción realizada por el usuario que la compartió. (Es decir, puede ser diferente al tono original). El tiempo promedio es de 77 BPM. Además, tiene una duración de 03:12 minutos. Estos acordes son simples y fáciles de tocar en la guitarra, el piano o el ukulele.
Tonalidad Base: A# Círculo Armónico: A# Gm D# Cm F Dm Intro: Gm Eb F Dm Gm Party girls don't get hurt Eb Can't feel anything, when will I learn? F Dm I push it down, push it down. I'm the one for a good time call Phone's blowing up, they ringing my doorbell I feel the love, feel the love Eb One, two, three, one, two, three, drink Gm One, two, three, one, two, three, drink F One, two, three, one, two, three, drink Throwin' 'em back 'til I lose count Eb F Dm I'm gonna swing from the chandelier Ebb From the chandelier Eb F Dm I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist Eb Like it doesn't exist I'm gonna fly like a bird throught the night Feel my tears as they dry I'm gonna swing from the chandelier From the chandelier Gm Sun is up, I'm a mess Eb Gotta get out now Gotta run from this F Here comes the shame Dm Here comes the shame Yeah, yeah One, two, three, one, two, three, drink One, two, three, one, two, three, drink One, two, three, one, two, three, drink Throwin' 'em back 'til I lose count I'm gonna swing from the chandelier From the chandelier I'm gonna live like tomorrow doesn't exist Like it doesn't exist I'm gonna fly like a bird throught the night Feel my tears as the dry I'm gonna swing from the chandelier From the chandelier Oh I'm just holding on for tonight Oh I'm just holding on for tonight On for tonight On for tonight