Letra y Acordes de la canción CRY YOUR HEART OUT - Adele
Los acordes de la canción Cry Your Heart Out interpretada por Adele fué lanzada el Viernes 19 de Noviembre de 2021. Originalmente está compuesta en la tonalidad de G MAYOR (Puede cambiarlo a cualquier clave que desee, usando la opción Transportar). Sin embargo, la tonalidad en nuestra web está sujeta a la redacción realizada por el usuario que la compartió. (Es decir, puede ser diferente al tono original). El tiempo promedio es de 125 BPM. Además, tiene una duración de 04:15 minutos. Estos acordes son simples y fáciles de tocar en la guitarra, el piano o el ukulele.
Tonalidad Base: G Círculo Armónico: G Em C Am D Bm Cry your heart out, it'll clean your face When you're in doubt, go at your own pace Cry your heart out, it'll clean your face When you're in doubt, go at your own pace When I walk in a room, I'm invisible I feel like a ghost All my friends keep on tellin' me This feeling won't last I can't get no release I'm so tired of myself I swear I'm dead in the eyes I have nothin' to feel, no more I can't even cry When will I begin to feel like me again? I'm hanging by a thread My skin's paper thin I can't stop wavering I've never been more scared Cry your heart out, it'll clean your face When you're in doubt, go at your own pace Cry your heart out, it'll clean your face When you're in doubt, go at your own pace When I wake up, I'm afraid Of the idea of facin' the day I would rather stay home on my own Drink it all away Please stop callin' me, it's exhausting There's really nothin' left to say I created this storm, it's only fair I have to sit in its rain When will I begin to feel like me again? I'm hanging by a thread My skin's paper thin I can't stop wavering I've never been more scared Cry your heart out, it'll clean your face When you're in doubt, go at your own pace Cry your heart out, it'll clean your face When you're in doubt, go at your own pace All love is devout No feeling is a waste But give it to yourself now Before it's too late In the end it's just you Stop drowning in wait Your love is useless without it Cry your heart out, it'll clean your face When you're in doubt, go at your own pace